Onboarding Program

For a new employee, the onboarding program is the first impression of his/her new job and the organization including the office culture. With a solid onboarding program, a company can help the newcomer to settle in faster and become an effective member of the team. Employees will feel welcomed and motivated when they enroll in a clearly structured program for their first weeks of work at the new company. This leads to higher job satisfaction, greater commitment, better job performance and lower turnover rate.

Often companies do not have a formally outlined onboarding program resulting in overloading the newcomer with information without providing him/her the right channel to address questions and concerns. An effective onboarding program gives the new employees a better understanding of the organizational structure of the company, the company culture and the unwritten rules of the office. In addition to this, the newcomer is assigned to a mentor or supervisor and undergoes a clearly outlined training program in which his team members are involved as well.

We design and implement effective and solid onboarding programs for your new employees.

These programs contribute positively to employee productivity, retention, satisfaction, job performance and employment brand.